Raleigh, NC's BEST
Cleaning Service

Our #1 Priority Is To Make Sure You're Satisfied

  • Highly Experienced Cleaners

    We serve Residential, Commercial and Industrial clients in Raleigh, NC. Whether it’s just cleaning your windows to vacuuming we strive to let our work speak for itself. We take great pride it, and always guarantee your satisfaction! With Western Palm Tree there are no hidden fees and no contracts, be sure to ask about our 100% guarantee! So give us a call today, we are here to answer any and all your questions.

  • Free Quote

    Call to Schedule A Free Quote for Your Next cleaning Project!

  • Competitive Pricing

    Highest Quality Cleaning Materials brought with us on every job.

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About Us

With Western Palm Tree, we don’t skip corners, we clean them! From carpet cleaning to bathroom cleaning, our services are guaranteed to make sure you are fully satisfied. With many years of experience we know how to do a job well done. Let us show you why we make the difference when it comes to residential and commercial cleaning.

We specialize in:
  • Cleaning Services
  • Residential/Industrial/Commercial Cleaning
  • AirBnB Cleaning
  • Landscaping
  • Furniture Cleaning
  • And Much More!
When you are in need of professional and reliable cleaning services, turn to Western Palm Tree! We are dedicated, flexible, experienced, well-trained and reliable!

Our Services

As cleaning specialists, we are dedicated to providing you with reliable, professional service to meet all your needs. 

Satisfied Clients

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